Some users have recently received messages containing fake trademark registration certificates along with a fraudulent request for payment from the following email address:
Please note that the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) does not own this email address and the certificate attached to this communication appears to be a fake.
We invite you to be very careful with this type of communication, as it presents an apparent officialdom and could easily mislead: in this case, the certificate being sent bears the logo, address and contact information of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, now the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), and the UIBM, as well as the forged name and signature of a Ministry official.
Below is the sample certificate for your information:
We also publish the link of the Italian Patent and Trademark Office on this subject:
Therefore, please do not make any payments to such entities and, if in doubt, forward such communications to us for verification.
For any needs or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us.